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Diseños de encabezado y pie de página
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Diseño de encabezado

Hay 2 tipos de diseño de encabezado de página que puede usar en el tema:

  1. Extended — see Home Page 3, Services, or this page, for example.
  2. Standard — set as default for most of pages.

Additional elements that can be displayed on pages with Extended Header:

  • Extra info (phone number)
  • Header top links (secondary menu)

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Header Style

You can choose either Dark or Light for the page header style.

  1. Dark — theme’s default style for page header
  2. Light — see the following blog posts as examples:

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Footer Layout

The TransVision theme includes 2 predefined styles of footer layout:

Style 1

The default style. Contact Details at the right side + 3-column (or 2-column) Footer Menu.

Style 2

Contact Details at the left side + one-column Footer Menu + recent posts or text. See the demo examples:

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